*breathes in deeply*
Right. I must calm down.
I cannot. I cannot. I cannot stand THEM! Having the misfortune to experience one such girl recently, my hatred for such appalling behaviour has deepened into to a bottomless abyss.
I was at a party (been to many parties recently, so friends reading this can stop guessing) and there was this girl around. Apparently, because she is relatively cute-looking, she was popular with the men. Why, speaking of men. Men are disgusting, desperate, cheap creatures. As long as the girl is slightly cute, they would be total sluts around the girl, ay? Fucking unfair, but hey, that's life. That's why cosmetics are earning so much, ditto slimming centres.
So where was I? Chummy around the men at the party, yes. There she was, fluttering around, plastic smile in place, hugging this guy around the waist; kissing that guy on both cheeks. "Hello Jerry, happy new year!" "Hello Keith, come here, I miss you!"
I was thinking to myself this is a nice friendly girl, and went to speak to her. Big mistake. She stared at me, and, contemplating between wasting to her efforts to reply because I don't have a penis and just giving a patronising smile, decided that my question is not redundant enough to reasonably ignore, and gave a one-word answer. Before I could further the conversation, she grabbed a random penis around the corner and started to talk to it animatedly.
I assure you if that question was asked by a creature with more leg hair, she'd giggle in sweet laughter and come out with the wittiest retort she can muster.
I fucking hate such girls.
Why the discrimination? Because I don't have a penis to poke into your fucking itchy vagina is it? Is that it, huh? Because if you are that horny I can buy a dildo you know, slut?!
Very angry, as you can read. Not that I didn't try to be nicer to her; maybe she just wasn't close enough to me. But no! She plain refused to make any sort of conversation. Imagine this: A group of people sitting around - Slut, me, and two other guys. Guy A says a joke about her, she replies in glee and laughs loud. I continue the joke (which requires her reply to complete) - she ignores me completely. Very very rude right?
Girls (who are not like that), can you tell me why some females would so blatantly behave in such a manner? Fucking disgusting, that's what it is.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT IS THE MOST IRRITATING THING?!! The men, so blinded by that facade of cuteness, totally ignores the fact that these girls are damn phony. Really, try it. Men are horny and oblivious to such details. Just try to tell the guys that this girl is damn disgusting, and I can almost hear them arguing, "She is OK what ... She is actually a very nice person lah ... You don't know her well enough ..."
Shuyin's friend is even worse. Apparently the girl has a habit of distributing sweets to all the guys in the school. This is what happened: Shuyin and a penisless friend were talking outside the girl's classroom.
After talking there for around five minutes, a GUY walked pass. Immediately up she sprung, and was so quick in offering the guy a damn sweet that she looked merely a moving blur.
Ahem. The girls were talking about 5 whole minutes there and you don't offer them?! Then one guy comes along and you run to him? Hello?!
And guess what? She didn't continue to offer sweets to SY and female friend!! HOW ATROCIOUS!!! SO RUDE!
Sy, feeling indignant no doubt, asked her, "Why never give to me?" in a joking manner. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE SLUT DID?! SHE WALKED AWAY! WTF!
Very annoying. You know what I would have did if I such a thing happened to me in secondary school? I am a damn chao ah lian - I'd loudly ask her in front of everyone why she is behaving in that cock-favouring manner. "Is it because I don't have a dick for you to suck that's why I don't deserve a sweet? Why are you always so sweet and nice to the boys but such a bitch to fellow females?" I'd ask. Such girls deserve no mercy.
Hope they all die.
p/s: Pictures in a short while!
Editor's Note: A lot of Blogders don't seem to get THE POINT, so I shall summarise it here: It is not wrong to be nice to MEN. It is wrong to be nice to only men, and HORRIBLE to females. For instance, if you want to offer sweets, give it to everyone, inclusive of females. If you are a totally nice person, why discriminate? It can only mean you are making a false effort - and you are rotten inside. Cheers, and stop missing the POINT.